No-confidence motion filed against Homeland Security Minister

A no-confidence motion against Homeland Security and Technology Minister Ali Ihusaan has been submitted to the Parliament.
The motion was initiated by the opposing Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), backed by 12 MPs. The motion highlights several allegations against the minister.
The key accusations include the halting of the Xpat system used to manage foreigners workers in the Maldives, and the management system being handed over to a black-listed Malaysian company, Bestinet. The motion also alleged that the minister was exerting influencing on police investigations, as well as misusing the Department of National Registration (DNR)’s database to obtain personal information of citizens. MDP accused that the information was used to register individuals to the ruling Peoples’ National Congress (PNC) without their consent.
MDP said recent cases of individuals being registered to PNC without their knowledge was allegedly facilitated using DNR’s staff and resources under Minister Ihusaan’s supervision.