Gov’t to verify Gedhoruveriyaa flat recipient list instead of re-evaluation

The government will be verifying the list of recipients of the 4,000 flats from Hulhumale’ Phase II under the previous administration’s Gedhoruveriyaa Scheme.
Speaking at a press conference held at the President’s Office, Infrastructure Minister Dr Abdulla Mutthalib confirmed that the government will verify the recipient list before handing over the flats. Addressing the media for the first time since the Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development was dissolved with its functions integrated into the Infrastructure Ministry, the Minister said the verification will be applied on the list publicised on November 15, 2023.
“We have decided to conduct the verification process on the list gazetted on 15 November 2023 instead of re-evaluating all application forms,” the Minister said.
The Minister said the instructions that were given on the submission portal at the time of application will be considered during verification. This includes evaluating documents submitted to prove 15 years of continuous residency in Male’, such as employment letters and education certificates. However, he noted that some applicants had submitted documents not legally acceptable, as highlighted in a recommendation by the Auditor General.
The Minister also noted that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) had found irregularities during initial evaluation, including inconsistent standards in assessing whether an individual has lived in Male’ City continuously for fifteen years. While several applications will be rejected if living in Male’ continuously is translated strictly, as this includes those who travel abroad for work, education and for medical treatment, the Minister noted. However, “continuous” in this context applies to being away from the country for over an hour, he clarified. He added that exceptions would be made for periods when individuals are employed in Male’ but based abroad, pursuing education oversees, and working at a resort while their family resided in Male’.
The forms will be re-evaluated and list will be republished with detailed feedback including reason for acceptance or rejection, and the points awarded to each application. The updated list will be opened for public complaints.
The ministry aims to conclude the verification process and publicise the revised list by Ramadan.