Police warn of new scam targeting Viber accounts

Police have issued a warning about scammers using new, more sophisticated methods to manipulate unsuspecting individuals to give up control of their Viber accounts.
The police said the observations were made during the course of investigation of several similar incidents that have occurred in recent weeks.
Providing an explanation on the methods used by scammers, the police said victims are contacted and told their numbers were previously associated with the caller. They then request the victims to share an OTP sent to their phones. If they refuse to share the OTP, they are instructed to share the number attached to an international call they receive. Once the number is shared, the scammer takes full control of the victim’s Viber accounts, and misuse the accounts for criminal activities.
The police warned the public to stay vigilant of such scams, and avoid sharing any details with unknown callers. Those who fall victim to such scams are urged to contact the police at the earliest.