Applications for Supreme Court Judge reopens due to lack of applicants

Applications for the post of Supreme Court Judge has been reopened for due to a lack of response during the initial announcement.
Following the resignation of Supreme Court Justice Husnu Al-Suood, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) first announced the vacancy on March 10, with the deadline set for 11:00 am on March 13. Former Deputy Prosecutor General Mariyam Nihayath was the sole applicant in the first round.
The JSC has once again reopened application with the deadline set for 10:00 am on March 15. Those who applied during the first round do not have to submit their application a second time.
The eligibility criteria for the position include being at lease 30 years of age, and holding a first Degree in Sharia, or Law, or both. Applicants must also have seven years of experience as a judge or practicing law or both to be considered qualified for the position.